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Geometry can be very challenging for students because they are asked to think in a very different way from what they have experienced before. When it comes to proofs, I have a way of explaining them that students have found to be very helpful.

I have tutored regular and honors Geometry in Districts 203 and 204 and others. I have tutored PI Plus Honors Geometry for 8th graders. At the College of DuPage Math Assistance Centers, I have tutored COD’s Geometry course.

Geometry had not really been a favorite of mine. But over the years, I have come to appreciate the different way it makes you think. I have also become very comfortable with the curriculum and am able to see where things are headed and help students see that too.

More than once, I have come across a student who “hates proofs” and being that I was not originally a big fan, we can “hate” them together, bringing humor into the situation and relieving the stress.

In Geometry, some of the topics I do enjoy are:

  • circles and the angles and segment lengths related to circles
  • coordinate geometry (because I am an Algebra lover)
  • points of concurrency in a triangle (because I finally "get" them!)
  • and as for proofs, my favorites are congruent triangles.
  • The rest of Geometry is actually starting to grow on me!

German Problems

Some of the honors geometry courses have a part of the curriculum called German Problems. The instructions can be confusing. I am very familiar with those, so I can help you sort it out.

Geometry Review for College Placement Test:

When a student is about to begin college, almost any school is going to give a placement test to decide what math course the student must take. These invariably contain Geometry, and it has usually been quite some time since the student has taken Geometry. I recommend having some review sessions to brush up.