Naperville area students... The solution to your math problems! Truly terrific tutor wants to help you!

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Judi Newman is an experienced, talented math tutor in Naperville who strives to get her students to feel better about math. Helping students is, of course, about explaining math topics, which Judi does very well, but it is also about getting to the bottom of whatever is not working well in the student's approach to math. Judi has a knack for discovering what the issues are and is a problem solver, full of ideas and strategies to promote success in math.

If you need a math tutor for high school or college math,
think of me, Judi Newman!

On this page you can learn about location, subjects, and hours. Also find out about what kinds of clients are a good match for what I am looking for.

Jump to the bottom to learn about News and Events!


All tutoring is in my home near 75th and Washington in Naperville.


I tutor almost all high school math subjects including AP Calculus and Math for Test Prep (ACT, SAT, SAT II). I do not usually tutor AP Statistics or Multivariable Calculus (Calc 3). Generally, I only tutor students who have reached at least Algebra I, but I have made exceptions. For college students, many subjects overlap with the high school subjects, so feel free to ask about your particular course.


Tutoring days and hours generally include: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoons and evenings, and Sunday mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Contact me to find out about openings.

Good Clients

Over the years, I have come to understand what kinds of clients are a good match with my kind of tutoring.

My clients get settled into a regular time slot and come once (or even twice) per week. Occasional cancellations are acceptable, however, my tutoring is geared toward people who come every week.

Since I have so many clients in my life, I strongly prefer email or text communication for anything about scheduling. An ideal client regularly checks messages and replies.

It is extremely important that the student is on board with the decision to get tutoring. Otherwise, it is very unlikely to have any benefit. So only send your kids if they are in agreement about doing this.

Overall, I have done well with students who have special needs. I have experience with Attention Deficit, Depression, Anxiety and more. For very timid students, I have had mixed experiences, where some might not be able to get comfortable, and others come to trust me and are transformed into more confident students. I am always happy to try with a student, and if we are not a good match, I am happy to recommend other tutors.

News and Events

Keep an eye on this section to find out the dates for my community service projects and other news. Sometimes the website gets a little out of date, so sometimes you can find the latest info in a blog entry as those are easier than the actual updates. So please look there too.

Presentations to Parent Groups About Math Success

I have topics that I am prepared to present to parent groups if anyone would like to set up a date for me to attend your group. My talks are aimed at parents of middle school and high school age students. I would plan to speak for about 45 minutes to an hour including questions and answers from the group, and I could remain after for individual questions. As any of these presentations are scheduled, I will give the details here.

Here are two topics that I am already prepared to deliver. Also, I am willing to prepare talks on other topics of interest. For each topic, a title and a little blurb are shown so you can discuss this with your parent groups and see if there is any interest in setting up one of these meetings.

Acing Homework - Blowing Tests - How Can This Be?

Math tutor, Judi Newman, will present a surprisingly simple answer to this paradox about school math. Different scenarios are discussed for which Judi will give ideas that will help students and parents conquer this problem.

Advancing Your Child in Math: Pros and Cons and Tips for Their Well Being

Math tutor, Judi Newman, has given a lot of thought to the question of whether a child should be accelerated in math. In this competitive environment, many parents are considering this for their children. In this presentation, Judi will lay out some questions to ask yourselves as you try to make this decision. She will describe some of the pitfalls that could arise while attempting this. She has advice about communicating with the schools and also ways to keep the student’s well being in mind if this is the plan you wish to pursue.

Blog Judi
I think you are fabulous! My son told me on the ride home that you explained things very well! - A Happy Parent

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